Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NEA builds a better mouse trap

More monkey business...

The macaques have always been a nuisance in the areas around the nature reserves.
They forage for food not only in the reserves but from houses and places adjacent to their habitats.

The trash bins are always a favorite as they know that it contains thrown away delicacies.
There have been many previous attempts by the NEA (or NParks?) to contain this problem by building money-proof trash bins. But the monkeys have always learned to open the lids of all the different bins.

(picture taken off stomp.com.sg)

Recently another new design appeared. This time again said to be monkey-proof.

I'll wait and see how long it takes the monkeys to learn to open the new bins.
Just hope that the monkeys have not yet learn to read the instructions.

If you can't open the bin, then the NEA has done a great job creating an idiot-proof bin.
(NEA=National Environment Agency)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monkey business at MacRitchie

I have to cross an overhead pedestrian bridge along Lornie Road each time I go to work.
This bridge is actually pwned by a troop of macaques from the adjacent MacRitchie Nature Reserve.

This bridge is the territory of the macaques.  
Cross and get mugged at your own risk!

These monkeys are wild and will harass pedestrians encroaching into their territory.
They are specially conscious if you are carrying plastic bags. Be warned.

They are probably in tuned to visitors to the Nature Reserve who bring food to them in plastic bags.
They equate plastic bags with food and will try to snatch it from you when they see you with one.

This bridge is also a favourite location for another troop doing some other monkey business.
However, pedestrians are safe but motorists are not.
Here are some photos of the other troop doing their voyueristic monkey business on the bridge.

Just remember
or the macaques.